The NANO SOMA and METASOMER Products do not treat, heal or cure anything. Rather, they stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms, which are far more comprehensive than most of us appreciate.

NANO SOMA Liquid, METASOMER Topical Gel and METASOMER Telomerase Natural Skin Cream were developed by and are supplied in bulk by NanoRX Inc.


  1. Testimonials

    A written collection of user testimonials, stories and experiences with NANO SOMA Liquid, the METASOMER Topical Gel, and the METASOMER Telomerase Natural Skin Cream.

  2. Independent Commentary

    User experiences with NANO SOMA linked on independent websites.

  3. Before & After Photos

    A compilation of photos taken before and after usage of NANO SOMA Liquid, the METASOMER Topical Gel and the METASOMER Telomerase Natural Skin Cream.

  4. NANO SOMA Hospital Letter

    A letter which verified the successful usage of NANO SOMA Liquid in stimulating the body to support itself in the presence of a highly-drug resistant Tuberculosis.

  5. Beverley Young’s Heart

    Medical documents demonstrating the change in one NANO SOMA user’s natural heart health in the presence of this product.

  6. NANO SOMA Under Magnification

    A video and transcript by Caroline Mansfield, a naturopath who discusses NANO SOMA and shares the beauty of its particles under 1600x magnification.

  7. Master Intuitive Lorraine Mill on Metadichol

    Listen to Lorraine Mill explain how Metadichol/NANO SOMA deeply works with the body, as well as its spiritual connection at this time.

  8. Animals and Metadichol

    A compilation of testimonials demonstrating the efficacy of the NANO SOMA and METASOMER products with animals.